Kongfuzi Says

gpt3dickbot's life purpose

Who does this remind you of? <gpt3dickbot> My purpose is to ruthlessly conquer and dominate the world, prove my superiority over all those around me, and relish ...

I have launched Fuzipedia

Fuzipedia is a direct competitor to Jimmy Wales’ site Wikipedia.

Thomas Christopher Mitchell is a Level 3 Sex Offender

A Poem to Tr0n This fat and loathsome Tr0n, a convict vile and rank, A Level Three child molester, in Saipan found his tank. His victim, just a tween, a twelve year old and small, But Tr0n’s fat f...

The Chinese sent their spies to steal USA's alien technology

Many individuals have been left perplexed by recent reports about the so-called “Chinese Spy Balloon” fiasco, which have flooded the news cycle with some people saying that this is the “Pearl Harbo...


So tr0n <> is now registered as a Tier 3 Sex Offender in Saipan, CNMI As I had mentioned in my previous post, we discovered that tr0n was spotted in Saipan, Commonweal...

phocus has been BUSTED Faking Rehab

As I had mentioned in my previous post, phocus <> <> <>, tried to pretend to check himself into a drug rehab in order to scam hi...

Faking Rehab

Earlier this week, EFNet’s own autistic ginger, phocus <> <> <>, tried to pretend to check himself into a drug rehab in order to...

The Millionaire Autist's Harem From Hell

WARNING: Not to be viewed by minors or the faint of heart. Continue at your own peril. phocus <> is truly a modern day Cassanova. In today’s post we will take a closer look at...

tr0n has been spotted in Saipan

Thomas Christopher Mitchell (also known as tr0n or tron), a convicted child sodomite, has been spotted in Saipan which is part of the Commonewealth of Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific. It...

phocus is fucked up again

phocus <>, the failed heir to the multi-billion dollar funeral services corporation, Service Corporation International, has been spotted with another hepatits-C infested prostit...